Our Story

The basis for our program was born while thinking of a way to improve the player’s experience for an Orlando Youth Hockey Tournament.  With the support of some hockey friends (Bill Shafer & Harry Brockman), his brother Micheal DiPaolo, his family, and the youth hockey board the idea turned in to a reality.

The initial broadcasting program has blossomed in to a company that includes travel youth hockey tournaments at RDV, SAHOF state championships, ACHA D3 Southeastern Regionals, and University of Central Florida home games.  We have enabled families around the world to watch their players from their home, hospitals, police & fire stations, and from a US Military base in the Middle East.

Our promise is to continue expanding the program with technological advances and creative programming ideas enhancing your viewing pleasure.  That is the DSPN Live Difference!

© 2023 DSPN, All Rights Reserved

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Hellspade Randy

The meanest SoB in the Intergalactic Union. Shoot first, ask questions later. Works well on his own, and in groups of three. Has a distaste for heretics and warm beer. Extremely fond of oversized handguns, contraband and kittens. Politically Correct Paladin at your service.

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